"Anna in the Tropics" is a captivating romantic drama by Nilo Cruz, set in 1929 Ybor City, Florida. The play explores the lives of cigar factory workers whose days are transformed by the arrival of a new lector, Juan Julian, who reads Tolstoy’s "Anna Karenina" to them. As the novel unfolds, the workers' lives begin to mirror its themes of longing, love, and betrayal. The production delves into the clash between old traditions and new ways, creating a rich tapestry of emotions and cultural heritage. With performances in both English and Spanish, this play promises to be a deeply moving and immersive experience. Ana en el trópico es una nueva obra conmovedora y poética, ambientada en la Florida del año 1929, en una fábrica de tabacos cubanoamericana en la que los puros aún se hacian a mano, y donde se contrataba a lectores para instruir y entretener a los empleados. El arribo de un Nuevo lector es causa de celebración, pero cuando éste comienza a leer en voz alta de Ana Karénina, sin proponérselo, se vuelve el catalizador de las vidas de los ávidos oyentes, para los que Tolstói, el trópico, y el sueño americano resultan ser una combinación volátil.
Holiday Play - Let Nothing You Dismay (12/7/24-12/21/24)
Merely Players Presents is at 3770 Central Avenue, Doraville, GA 30340, Doraville, GA.
Holiday Play - Let Nothing You Dismay (12/7/24-12/21/24)
ShakesBEER! (10/31/24-10/31/24)
Anna in the Tropics (8/16/24-8/25/24)
Barefoot in the Park - On Stage July 11 - 21 (7/11/24-7/21/24)
Good People (5/10/24-5/26/24)
Gloria (4/12/24-4/28/24)
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (2/23/24-3/10/24)
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery by Ken Ludwig (2/23/24-3/10/24)
Winter VibeZ: 2023 (12/7/23-12/17/23)
The AI Chronicles (11/9/23-11/12/23)
Tiny Beautiful Things
Authenticity Theater (1/16 - 1/25)
| ||
Fox Theatre (5/20 - 5/25) | ||
August Wilson's Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
Springer Theatre (1/23 - 2/2) | ||
A Little Princess
ACT1 Theater (3/14 - 3/30) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
The Classic Center [Theatre] (1/21 - 1/21) | ||
Comedy at The Strand: Vanessa Fraction Comedian
Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theatre (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
& Juliet
Fox Theatre (1/7 - 1/12) | ||
Mamma Mia!
Fox Theatre (2/25 - 3/2) | ||
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