The well-known, hilarious musical comedy sister duo, Vickie & Nickie, are returning to Don’t Tell Mama in NYC with their seasonal show, Vickie & Nickie’s Holiday Sleigh Ride for two performances on Friday, December 11th at 7pm and Saturday, December 19th at 3pm. During this celebration of the holiday season “Minnesota-style”, the multi instrumental, singing housewife sisters will entertain with sidesplitting interpretations of your favorite holiday songs, wacky original tunes, fun family stories, improv and audience participation. Created, written and performed by real life sisters Lisa and Lori Brigantino, the fast talking Minnesota mom characters come to you straight from their prison circuit tour to celebrate the season all while accompanying themselves on many different instruments including acoustic and electric guitars, keyboard, accordion, saxophone, ukuleles, percussion and more!
The Brigantino sisters have performed several Vickie and Nickie shows to date to rave reviews: Jenna Esposito of says, "The talented Brigantino sisters put on a show unlike any other - their characters are complete, well-rounded, and immensely entertaining, and their musical talent is undeniable!" And Jon Sobel of concludes, “Straight from “the prison circuit” and the land of lutefisk – Garrison Keillor fans will know what that is – the pair poke good-natured fun at middle-of-the-road American culture while revving up the crowd with perfectly executed vocal harmonies and musicianship (keyboards, guitar, ukulele, sax…)”… Vickie and Nickie, [are] two busy midwestern moms who take to the stage to delight and entertain with humorous banter (abundant), multi-instrumental musical talents (considerable), and big ol’ personalities (wickedly twisted, if all in good family-friendly fun).”
Ages: All ages. Under 21 with a parent or guardian.
Kati Neiheisel: London by Night
Pangea (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
Dont Tell Mama (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
Juliet Ewing: Rise Up Singing - The Music of George Gershwin
Don't Tell Mama (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
Eva Steinberg: All Blues
Pangea (1/30 - 2/23) | ||
Ashley Wool - Broadway. That Happened.
Playhouse 46 at St. Luke's (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
Jeannette Miller: Everything Must Change
Pangea (1/11 - 1/11) | ||
Ann Talman: Elizabeth Taylor and the Shadow of Her Smile
Don't Tell Mama (1/11 - 1/11)
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