A live-riffing movie comedy show! Mocked by Danny Gallagher and his fellow mockers Liz Barksdale and Albie Robles, this campy classic follows a mechanic and street racer as they work to stop a giant lizard from destroying the town. Presented as part of IT CAME FROM TEXAS Film Festival - a two-day film experience that ventures to celebrate the campy and quirky films in the Texas lexicon alongside revered films of the past. How it Goes: We take bad cult films and riff on them in a movie theater. Plus audience prompts on screen so YOU can yell lines and throw stuff at the screen with us! About The Movie: The Giant Gila Monster is an American 1959 science fiction horror film directed by Ray Kellogg and produced by Ken Curtis. This low-budget B-movie starred Don Sullivan, a veteran of several low budget monster and zombie films, and Lisa Simone, the French contestant for the 1957 Miss Universe, as well as comedic actor Shug Fisher and KLIF disc jockey Ken Knox. The effects included a live Mexican beaded lizard (not an actual Gila monster) filmed on a scaled-down model landscape. Plot: The movie opens with a young couple, Pat (Grady Vaughn) and Liz (Yolanda Salas), parked in a bleak, rural locale overlooking a ravine. A giant Gila monster attacks the car, sending it into the ravine and killing the couple. Later, several friends of the couple assist the local sheriff (Fred Graham) in his search for the missing teens. Chase Winstead (Sullivan), a young mechanic and hot rod racer, locates the crashed car in the ravine and finds evidence of the giant lizard. However, it is only when the hungry reptile attacks a train that the authorities realize they are dealing with a giant venomous lizard. By this time, emboldened by its attacks and hungry for prey, the creature attacks the town. It heads for the local dance hall, where the town's teenagers are gathered for a sock hop. However, Chase packs his prized hot rod with nitroglycerin and rigs it to speed straight into the Gila monster, killing it in a fiery explosion and heroically saving the town.
Almost, Maine
Allen Contemporary Theatre (1/24 - 2/9) | ||
The African Company Presents Richard III
Soul Rep Theatre Company (1/30 - 2/8) | ||
Heartbreak Hotel
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Robert Earl Keen
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Abilene Civic Center [Auditorium] (5/1 - 5/1) | ||
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Mac Beth by Erica Schmidt
Circle Theatre (10/9 - 11/1) | ||
UNT One O'Clock Lab Band Spring Showcase
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