Part Monty Python, part Sherlock Holmes, and all mayhem, this Olivier Award-winning show is disastrously delightful. The fictitious Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society, whose limited funds have allowed them to produce hits such as James and the Peach and The Lion and The Wardrobe, has received a substantial donation to produce an exciting whodunit, The Murder at Haversham Manor. But break a leg! takes on new meaning with this woefully misguided troupe of actors. This play-within-a-play is beset with an unconscious leading lady, a corpse who cant play dead, a flustered detective, and a literacy-challenged butler who must manage technical gaffes, forgotten lines, and falling scenery. Artistic Director Annette Trossbach says, British actors, a slickly choreographed sword fight, and a murder mystery with more twists and turns than you could hit with a cat make The Murder at Haversham Manor the must-see show of the season. Previously plagued by budgetary constraints, the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society is thrilled to present this show, which promises to be the most exciting ever. If you enjoyed Noises Off and Play On!, youll love The Play That Goes Wrong. Truly, there are so many things that must 'go wrong' in this show - choreographing the mayhem for safety and maximum comic effect makes this show one of the most challenging of my career.If you are in the mood for laughs, sight-gags, double-takes, craziness, wacko antics, pure fun, here is your show. - Chicago TribuneGenerously sponsored by Marlene and Darrell Smith.Special events: Half-price previews Sept. 14, 15Staging Teen Success Through Theater Sept. 17.Post-performance talkback Sept. 25.
A Toast to Opera: La bohème
Wang Opera Center (2/12 - 2/12) | ||
Lucky Stiff
Florida Repertory Theatre (1/7 - 1/26) | ||
Broadway Palm (2/24 - 2/25) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Center (2/18 - 2/23) | ||
Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre (1/26 - 1/27) | ||
Broadway Palm (2/21 - 4/5) | ||
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