House of Blue Leaves by John Guare. Directed by William Grayson Set in 1965 Queens, The House of Blue Leaves is a dark comedy that follows Artie Shaughnessy, a struggling zookeeper with dreams of becoming a famous Hollywood songwriter. As Artie navigates his tumultuous life, he grapples with his schizophrenic wife, Bananas, and his eager-to-escape girlfriend, Bunny. The day takes a chaotic turn with the visit of Pope Paul VI to New York City, which attracts three excitable nuns and leads to unexpected—and explosive—events. With sharp wit and emotional depth, the play explores themes of fame, failure, and the lengths we go to in pursuit of our dreams.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Rotunda Theater At St. Luke's UMC (1/9 - 1/12) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Lutcher Theater (4/4 - 4/4) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
Lutcher Theater (1/14 - 1/15) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Rudder Theatre Complex [Rudder Auditorium] (4/2 - 4/3) | ||
The Glass Menagerie
Alley Theatre (2/21 - 3/16) | ||
& Juliet
Hobby Center for the Performing Arts (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Rudder Theatre Complex [Rudder Auditorium] (3/3 - 3/4) | ||
Over the Moon: Broadway Reimagined starring Teresa Zimmerman
The Hobby Center for the Performing Arts (1/17 - 1/18) | ||
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