About Lamb's Playhouse
Lamb's Playhouse exists to bring together talented local young performers between the ages of 7 and 14 to provide them with an exciting, educational, and intensive performing arts production experience. The program focuses on all aspects of putting on a production as an actor, from audition to performance, and culminates in a 30-minute musical developed specifically for young actors.
Our objective is to develop essential theater skills, build self-confidence, and encourage the responsibilities and self-discipline that's so vital as a performing artist. Participants will have the experience to work with professional performing arts instructors in an exciting, fun, and organized creative environment. The goal is to present a memorable and high-quality theatrical workshop experience for participants and audience members alike that focuses on actors' performances.
Rehearsals + Performances
Rehearsals will be at the Performing Arts Programs Studio in South Windsor, CT, on Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons beginning January 19, 2016. The program concludes with three performances of Aladdin KIDS at the East Hartford Community Cultural Center on March 23, 24, and 25!
For more information and to sign up for an addition please visit http://performingartsprograms.biz/lambs_playhouse_auditions