Hail Mary is an irreverent comedy about a group of unconventional nuns who discover their convent is to be sold because it is costing too much to continue operating. Together with the local priest, they devise various dubious schemes to prevent this happening. One of the young nuns with a vivid imagination insists she has seen the Virgin Mary walking on the convent roof, inspiring the nuns to proclaim the convent a holy place. This results in visitors flocking to the place and the spin-off from selling the nuns’ home-made wine and bread soon fills the coffers The Archbishop hears of these events and hurries to find out what’s going on and, although initially suspicious, eventually concedes making money by these means doesn’t contravene any Christian principles. Decidedly irreverent without being blasphemous, anyone with a sense of humour will see the funny side – and a few truths as well.
Bianca Del Rio: Dead Inside
The Astor Theatre (2/5 - 2/5)
| ||
Elixir Revived
The Aurora Spiegeltent at The Pleasure Garden (2/1 - 2/16) | ||
Crown Theatre (12/15 - 2/2) | ||
Crème de la crème Cabaret
The Ice Cream Factory (1/17 - 2/14) | ||
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