In a Depression-era Harlem apartment building, a close-knit group of friends has become a chosen family. New roommates Angel and Guy — a recently fired blues singer and a promising costume designer with Paris in his sights — live across the hall from Delia, a social worker who sparks a relationship with the hardworking doctor Sam. Their lives are upturned when Southern newcomer Leland arrives and falls hard for Angel, who is torn between a stable life in Manhattan and an exhilarating overseas adventure with Guy. Angel chooses her path, but the decision leads to devastating consequences that shift the trajectory of everyone’s futures and long-held dreams.
Blues for an Alabama Sky was originally commissioned by Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia, and had its world premiere at Alliance in 1995.
Every Brilliant Thing (10/18/23-5/9/24)
Angry, Raucous, and Shamelessly Gorgeous (3/8/23-3/26/23)
Every Brilliant Thing (5/21/22-6/5/22)
Angry, Raucous, and Shamelessly Gorgeous (3/10/21-3/28/21)
Holmes and Watson (1/20/21-2/7/21)
GUYS & DOLLS (9/18/19-10/6/19)
Native Gardens (4/10/19-4/28/19)
The SantaLand Diaries (12/6/18-12/16/18)
The premier professional theatre in southeastern Virginia, Virginia Stage Company was founded in 1978 by members of the Hampton Roads community who had a deep desire to make live theatre a part of the area’s cultural life. For its home, VSC chose the Wells Theatre in downtown Norfolk, which was fully restored in 1986 and is now a National Historic Landmark.
Some Like It Hot
Altria Theater (6/3 - 6/8) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Altria Theater (4/15 - 4/20) | ||
Moulin Rouge!
Altria Theater (3/4 - 3/16) | ||
Altria Theater (1/28 - 2/2) | ||
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