Sholeh Asgary, Kim Nucci, Bromp Treb, Ettrick, Fumi Sholeh Asgary Fletcher Pratt Kim Nucci Ettrick Monique (Fumi)
8pm-11pm $5-$15 sliding scale (notaflof) all-ages
Peacock Lounge, 552 Haight, SF
Please be vaxed and rapid-tested to keep old and young alive and well.
Iranian-born interdisciplinary sound artist Sholeh Asgary's work implicate you in future mythological excavations, bridging large swathes of time and history through water, water clocks, crude oil, movement, light, voice, AM transmissions, frequency interference and language. For Asgary the environment and innate properties of everyday objects are the ether for direct communication.
Darkitecture of the mind's inmost spaces, that is Fletcher Pratt's speciality. Boundless in abstraction yet never disjointed, his sounds stretch like skin continuous across an impossible skeleton, inexorable in motion, shifting lithe and unseen. On this night, an epidermal split leaks that bone darkness into the light, the predator vein tapped as video, harvested in both digital and analogue synthesis.
Electronics, voice, sax and live projections in the hands of Kim Nucci become implements for pondering the pedestrian cybernetic body, the snarl of human and machine, and the potentials of ritualism and trance in improvisation. Their interactive installations have involved architectural interventions, sculpture, arduino and other microcontrollers, idiosyncratic interactive design, painting and projections, while live improvisations extend even unto all humans present. Don't miss these many gifts unwrapped noisily before your very ears inside the Peacock Lounge.
Electronics free, apocalypse-ready, go ahead and cut the power because Ettrick will wrench the furthest possible sounds from their instruments through brute force, screaming through saxophones, and getting impolite with their drums. This show marks the ten-year anniversary of Jacob Felix Heule and Jay Korber's jazz/black metal drum and sax assault.
Something sudden this way comes.
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