“Springsteen on Broadway” is a unique evening with Bruce Springsteen, his guitar, a piano, and his very personal stories. Based on his worldwide best-selling autobiography 'Born to Run,' the show's original run in 2017 and 2018 included 236 sold-out performances at Jujamcyn's Walter Kerr Theatre and earned Springsteen a Special Tony Award.
Though the show largely hewed to the original incarnation, there were some notable additions, and new phrases, soliloquies and tales woven into the performance. Springsteen mentioned his new record, 'Letter to You'; his new film of the same name; and his dismissed drunken-driving charges. But he also tried to make sense of the moment, of a long year filled with loss and isolation during the pandemic.
He yelled and casually cursed a bit more, and certain reminisces - which are based on his 'Born to Run' autobiography - have been abridged, rushed or extended, as would anyone who's telling the same story for the 237th time. He also changed up his delivery on several songs in a singalong-defying way: 'Growin' Up' had jittery strumming; 'Born in the U.S.A.' is even more of a gospel-blues holler, played with a slide on 12-string guitar; he sang 'Thunder Road' in his Woody Guthrie-esque semi-Southern accent.
2017 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
2021 | Broadway |
Broadway |