A family-friendly acrobatic comedy for all ages! This show is Dino-mite!The Philip & Lucinda Dino-Show follows the two dinosaur explorers extraordinaire, as they set out to understand the Paleozoic Era with song, dance and acrobatics.Philip and Lucinda may be "dino explorers" but they soon discover that their audience is filled with "dino experts"!!! What follows is a fantastic deep-dive into dinosaurs and an interactive pre-historic adventure for all ages.Show Dates and Times:August 27th 10:00am and 12:00pmAugust 28th 10:00am and 12:00pmSeptember 2nd 12:00pmSeptember 3rd 10:00am and 12:00pmSeptember 4th 10:00am and 12:00pmAn acrobatic comedy for all ages!"Critic's Pick" - Saskatoon Star Phoenix"Critic's Pick" - Toronto Star"Infectious Energy"Dinosaur Explorers Philip and Lucinda try to understand the Paleozoic Era with song, dance, acrobatics and the help of all the "Dinosaur Experts" in the audience.This is an interactive presentation of dinosaur history unlike any other!General Admission SeatingRecommended for Ages 5 +2019 FRINGE REVIEW: https://www.mooneyontheatre.com/2019/07/04/philip-and-lucinda-dino-show-the-grand-salto-theatre-2019-toronto-fringe-review/
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