Vanities—The Musical is a heartfelt and humorous chronicle of the lives of three women, Joanne, Kathy, and Mary, tracing them from their late teen years through adulthood. They grow and change, testing the limits of what they thought they knew about themselves, as well as the narrow views of women society has presented them.
Well, musical lovers, here’s the tuner again, now as Vanities–The Musical. It’s surely pleasant enough but not so much a revival as, according to advance word, a revisal. Again, as in 2009, it extends the years – originally 1963-74 – that a trio of small-town Texas vanity owners, Kathy, Mary, and Joanne, promise eternal friendship only to strain that promise and in 1990 acknowledge the error of their ways. (Writing in 1976, Heifner understandably had a grasp on 1974 but hadn’t bothered to imagine the future.)
Part of the problem is Podschun, Keum, and Jones are not charismatic as friends. What is done well are the musical arrangements by Carmel Dean and Bryan Perri. The harmonies are well crafted and they blend beautifully. Podschun is the standout here. She has the best vocals, if not the best songs and makes the most out of her breakdown solo “The Same Old Music”. We believe her character every step of the way and she is believable. Keum’s songs are sweet and well meaning. As for Jones who has the best songs, I just was not a fan of their vocals.
2005 | New York |
Reading New York |
2006 |
World Premiere |
2006 | New York |
NAMT Reading New York |
2009 | Off-Broadway |
Off-Broadway |
2023 | Off-Broadway |
York Theatre Company Off-Broadway Production Off-Broadway |